So I'm busy this summer with things other than lutherie, but it is on my mind, things like tonewood and the odd part purchase and trying to design a new Workbench and tool box addition.
In Addition to that I've been thinking about the conundrum of trying to make a MandoCello in a scale length short enough for me to play comfortably and yet long enough for the low C to not be too floppy. Frankly the two requirements are not really compatible.. So How to solve this??
Well it came to me the other day when I was reading a post on multi-scale classical guitars! Make it multi-scale or as some people call it fanned-fret.. Not sure why this did not come to my mind before, perhaps because I have no real idea how to design a multi-scale fingerboard...
Time for some serious reading.. need to figure out the two scale lengths and then where the 90 degree fret will be, I thinking 24.75 and 26.75 or maybe 27 inches for the scales and maybe the 5th fret for the 90 degree fret but that is all wild guesses right now...
I'll probably have to tweak the the X brave a bit too to account for the bridge angle...
Here is a phot of a multi-scale guitar made by Mike Doolin